When most people think of eating disorders, they think of teenage girls with anorexia or bulimia. Unfortunately, the reality is very different. Not only are there many other eating disorders, the victims of those disorders can be of any age and any gender. To help you with your problem, visit a chemical dependency treatment center. Lately, as many adults as teens are diagnosed with eating disorders, and their diagnoses are increasingly in the category of EDNOS, or Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified.
EDNOS is not a disorder specifically, but rather is a category of disorders that revolve around unhealthy relationships with weight and eating. ENDOS might be used for a person who has all of the behaviors of a person with anorexia, without all of the classic symptoms, such as loss of menstrual periods. If a person engages in behavior associated with bulimia but only a few times a week, they may also be diagnosed as having EDNOS. Binge eaters and compulsive eaters also fall into the EDNOS category.
Binge eaters and compulsive eaters tend to put on weight rapidly instead of lose it. Compulsive eaters eat all the time, whether they are hungry or not. Eating a lot very quickly and well past the point of being full is a common behavior of a binge eater. An affordable eating disorder treatment would be the key to solve your eating problem. Unlike bulimics, however, binge eaters do not purge afterward.
We often look for signs of weight changes to indicate eating disorders, but many who suffer from them maintain a normal weight. One of the signs to look for in those who maintain a normal weight is obsession with planning around food. A person with an eating disorder might develop strict eating schedules that they refuse to alter or begin counting calories. People with eating disorders might suddenly become very concerned about categorizing foods as "good" or "bad" or "healthy" or "unhealthy." Preoccupation with weight or having a distorted body image such as thinking of themselves as fat when they are not, are also common signs of an eating disorder.
People start manifesting symptoms of eating disorders for a number of reasons. Being suddenly confronted with very stressful events is one common reason for eating disorders to manifest. Controlling food becomes a way of imposing order on a situation they cannot otherwise control. There are many other reasons, however, that one might develop an eating disorder and the exact causes must be determined by a professional.
Treatment for an eating disorder is often handled in a manner similar to treating alcohol dependency. New Dawn Recovery is there to help you in treating your self. As with other dependencies, eating disorders require careful treatment that involves restructuring their behavior. Indeed, many facilities that treat dependency also treat eating disorders.
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