Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Risks of Opiate Addiction

Opiates are derived from poppy seeds, and are medicinally used as powerful painkillers for many conditions from arthritis to cancer. But while they are an essential part of medical care for many patients they carry a heavy risk. Painkillers such as Oxycodone HCL and Hydrocone are very addictive and carry numerous risks if abused.

So how to you know if an addiction to pain meds has developed? While these drugs are being taken under prescription it can be difficult to spot the signs. There may be a strong compulsion to take the drug, and a fixation on when the next dose can be taken. Sometimes a degree of tolerance will develop and the patient will start increasing the dose without the advice of a medical professional.

Eventually the addiction can spiral until the person who has become addicted is interested in very little but the drugs. They may lose interest in hobbies and activities they used to enjoy, and may avoid contact with family or friends. A crucial part in the diagnosis of addiction to pain medication is that the person continues to take the oxycodone (or similar narcotic) after their prescription has expired.

Overcoming a drug addiction requires medical care. Withdrawal symptoms are very difficult for the sufferer to cope with and consequently it is extremely common for a person to relapse, and start taking the drug again. The physical symptoms can include fever, nausea, headaches, diarrhea and unbearable muscle cramps.

There are psychological symptoms of withdrawal too. The most common of these is irritability when the addict is not getting their "fix" of the drug. But it is also very common for the sufferer to become depressed, anxious or even suffer panic attacks. Entering a rehabilitation center can help the addict to overcome their dependency on pain medication.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Substance Abuse Treatment

Cocaine addiction is something that can be conquered. I know because I have seen it done. Is it an easy prospect? No, but, then as they say 'nothing worth having is easy'. And having your life back is certainly worth all the effort required.

It is important to understand that this addiction is not a sign of personal weakness on the part of the addict. Cocaine is a highly addictive drug in that your brain not, your mind becomes quickly attached to this drug. Meaning it is not just an emotional attachment but, a truly physical one. That being the case you need more than will power to 'beat the habit'.

Cocaine has been said to be one of the most addictive and damaging drugs on the street. So addictive because of how quickly it becomes a part of your brain chemistry. So damaging because of how deeply involved it becomes with the reward pathways of your brain chemistry.

Your brain operates by means of transmitting impulses both chemically and electrically through the synapses. Since your brain has become accustomed to having the drug working in its pathways you will experience withdrawal symptoms.

The intensity of which varies from person to person. That being the case you can see why help is needed. It is not just a case of detoxification, but, your brain will need time to readjust to living without the drug.

The problem is that you will not feel 'normal' with out having that drug flowing through your synaptic pathways. At least not at first, which is where help from others comes in. You will need the encouragement and support that other people can give you. The understanding of what you are going through and the help to learn new coping skills will be invaluable.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Alcohol Intervention Programs – A Basic Overview

When the alcoholic behavior of an individual crosses the line of patience, the family members of the victim have no option but to opt for professional alcohol intervention programs. The professional programs bring on-board individuals who know how to deal with the situation and respond to alcoholic accountability or react to an alcoholic. The friends, family members, colleagues, etc. would let the alcoholic know how his drinking behavior has created a nuisance of sorts for everyone around him. However, it is not as easy as it sounds, and is precisely the reason why professional help is needed.

The alcoholic intervention strategies must be planned carefully, and should be handled by experienced professionals. One should remember that the objective of alcohol intervention programs is to get the alcoholic agree to a rehab program.

Most of the drug and alcohol treatment centers have counselors that are trained for helping families get prepared and ready for the confrontation, which would always take place in a calm and controlled environment. The calm and relaxed atmosphere ensures that the alcoholic is in the position to listen to the intervenor. Though it is believed that most intervention programs happen at the alcoholic's house, there have been several such programs that have taken place in the office of the alcoholic, with the full cooperation and support of the employer.

The intervention would usually come as a complete surprise to the addict. However, there have also been cases when the intervening team would be in constant touch with the addict several days prior to the intervention, and tell him about the efforts that they have been putting to get a professional counselor on-board for dealing with the person's addiction. Giving a hint to the alcoholic several days before the intervention is one of the newest ways to address the situation, and has been adopted by several organizations.

The best thing about the new technique is that the alcoholic is not in for a surprise. He knows that his loved ones are concerned about his addiction and they are taking steps to address the crisis situation. As a result, the alcoholic does not feel ambushed on the day of intervention.

Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Weight Loss Made Easy

To lose weight successfully, you need the right motivation. You have to lose weight for you, not for anybody else. Utilize the following information to discover how to become motivated to successfully meet your weight loss goals.

Yogurt is a great aid in weight loss. Low-fat and plain yogurts are the best choice. You can create delicious and nutritious dishes with yogurt. For example, using plain yogurt as a dressing for cucumber salad. Try adding some fresh fruit on your plain yogurt. This helps you prevent unnecessary sugar consumption that regular yogurts contain. Yogurt is a great source of calcium if you choose the right products.

You will lose weight more effectively if you exercise regularly. Make your goal to avoid sitting down as much as possible. Your body will burn calories through the entire day, making your metabolism work effectively, and you'll be able to eat a decent amount of calories while still losing weight.

Make sure to get plenty of sleep. A full eight hours of sleep is the ideal recommendation for adults. If you believe that staying up late at night will benefit your weight loss goals, you are wrong. Your metabolism needs some sleep to balance itself; if you do not sleep enough, your body will store fat to compensate.

Have some milk before a meal and increase your weight loss options. Milk will help you to feel full, and if you drink an entire glass before you eat, you will tend to eat less. Milk is also filled with calcium, which will help your bones stay strong, and build muscle mass.

With the tips in this article, you should soon be on the way to reaching your weight loss goals. You need inner motivation so that you do not give up when times get too hard.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Parenting A Drug Addict

As a parent, you know that an important part of what you do on a regular basis would be supporting your children and helping them get up when they are down. In fact, this is what your children will count on you to do when they face the most difficult things in life. However, when it comes to drugs, you need to change the way that you think about what you are supposed to do as a parent. If you look to support a child that is using drugs, you would only be putting effort into helping someone get high. If you look to provide them with emotional support without taking any action, you may send them the message that what they are doing is acceptable. If you do this for a long enough period of time, you will continue to see the problem become more obvious and it would be very difficult to change in the future. If you do not want to put your family member in this position, it would be smart to think about family intervention planning and what you can do to get in the middle of the connection that your child has with drugs at the moment.

Do not simply look to be a good parent by supporting what they are doing. If they are engaging in behavior that is not within their best interest, it would be a great choice to consider a drug intervention with the people that are closest to you. If it is your child that is addicted to drugs, you know all of the friends that they have grown up with. Also, you have access to the family members that enjoy the best relationship with them. When you are planning an intervention, you want to use all of these people in order to get an effective message across about drugs and the hurt that they are causing. Knowing how to do a family drug intervention is probably something that you are lacking at the moment. However, this does not have to be something that would hold you back from making a difference for the children in your life. You have the ability to tell them what they mean to you, this would be one of the most effective drug and alcohol intervention strategies that you could use. When you use an family intervention parenting, you can get your child into treatment.

family first intervention parenting help