Cocaine addiction is something that can be conquered. I know because I have seen it done. Is it an easy prospect? No, but, then as they say 'nothing worth having is easy'. And having your life back is certainly worth all the effort required.
It is important to understand that this addiction is not a sign of personal weakness on the part of the addict. Cocaine is a highly addictive drug in that your brain not, your mind becomes quickly attached to this drug. Meaning it is not just an emotional attachment but, a truly physical one. That being the case you need more than will power to 'beat the habit'.
Cocaine has been said to be one of the most addictive and damaging drugs on the street. So addictive because of how quickly it becomes a part of your brain chemistry. So damaging because of how deeply involved it becomes with the reward pathways of your brain chemistry.
Your brain operates by means of transmitting impulses both chemically and electrically through the synapses. Since your brain has become accustomed to having the drug working in its pathways you will experience withdrawal symptoms.
The intensity of which varies from person to person. That being the case you can see why help is needed. It is not just a case of detoxification, but, your brain will need time to readjust to living without the drug.
The problem is that you will not feel 'normal' with out having that drug flowing through your synaptic pathways. At least not at first, which is where help from others comes in. You will need the encouragement and support that other people can give you. The understanding of what you are going through and the help to learn new coping skills will be invaluable.
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