Ketamine is a depressant, which means that it will lower the heart rate and breathing of the person taking it. If the person takes the drug with other depressant drugs, then the depressive state will be greatly amplified. Other common depressants are alcohol and valium.
In low doses, the person can feel like they are floating outside of their body, or even dreaming. In higher doses the person may feel like they are near death, they possibly might be unable to communicate or move.
There are many possible bad reactions that a person may experience when taking ketamine. Nausea, confusion and poor coordination are just a few of the milder consequences. Paranoia and agitation are also common reactions. Where the person is and the way a person is feeling will impact the severity of the bad reactions.
It is extremely dangerous to buy drugs illegally. Not only is it against the law, but the buyer will not know exactly what they are buying. It is not at all uncommon for cheaper drugs to be passed off as the more expensive drugs. A drug dealer does not care about the person buying the drugs, they are only out to make a profit.
Ketamine has been found being sold at raves and other parties. Often times ecstasy is also being sold at these same functions. It is possible that a person might be trying to buy ketamine and instead they are sold ecstasy. It is also impossible to know the exact dose of any illegal drug, therfore it is impossible to predict reactions from one time to another.
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