Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Is Alcohol Really More Dangerous Than Heroin?

When discussing drug abuse, some people often claim that alcohol abuse is not as dangerous as heroin abuse. This misconception can also be blamed on the media, which normally focuses on the perils of heroin addiction. Since alcohol is legal while heroin is illegal, the myth of heroin addiction being worse than alcohol addiction may make sense to many people. The truth, however, is that alcohol addiction does more harm in society than heroin or any other drug for that matter. The question you may ask is, "Is alcohol really more dangerous than heroin?"

Why Alcohol is More Dangerous than Heroin

A recent study in the U.K. was carried out to determine the dangers of different types of drugs ranging from alcohol and heroin to tobacco and other types of drugs. Each drug was rated on a scale of 1 to 100, with the latter being the most dangerous. The results of the study revealed that alcohol was the most dangerous, with a score of 77. Heroin, crack cocaine and cannabis scored 55, 54 and 20 respectively. There are many reasons why people consider alcohol to be less harmful than heroin. They include:

• Alcohol is legal, so it is considered a recreational drug, while heroin is an illegal substance, so it is considered harmful. Possessing, manufacturing, using or distributing heroin is illegal and may land a person in jail.
• Alcohol use is usually shown in a positive light on TV commercials and programs, while heroin use is portrayed negatively, thereby influencing the opinion of the viewer.
• Alcohol manufacturers invest billions of dollars to make alcohol seem acceptable to consumers.

There are many other reasons why alcohol use may be considered acceptable and less harmful to personal health and the society in general. The truth, however, is that both drugs are harmful, but alcohol abuse is far more prevalent than heroin use. Think of the number of accidents that have been caused by DUIs, the domestic violence cases that were fueled by alcohol intoxication and the deaths caused by alcohol abuse. While the same can be said about heroin, alcohol-related cases are significantly more frequent.

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