While methamphetamines are street drugs known by the names “meth”, “crystal” and “speed”, they are, in fact, fact a category of legitimate drugs used treating obesity and ADHD in kids and grownups. In fact, you will find them in OTC nasal decongestants in tiny doses. They are also legitimately regulated and sold in large doses. Just like any other drug, however, they continue to be openly sold in the black market.
Meth Abuse and its Effects
Meth is abused by people due to its own emotional effects. They are known to cause an increase in libido, euphoria, alertness and self esteem. The good effects of the controlled substance, nevertheless, are quite dismal. Abuse it and you'll experience hair pulling, skin picking that is uncontrollable, psychosomatic disorders, aggressiveness and hallucinations. In case you want to find out how you can be helped in your dependency to such drug, simply take a look at images of meth junkies.
Aside from the mental side effects, meth addicts are also known to have bad teeth. However, for the American Dental Association, it is not only the meth that creates dental loss. It is also due to several factors: a dry mouth, poor oral hygiene and others.
Treating A Meth Addiction
A meth addiction is one of hardest to treat due to the withdrawal symptoms. Doctors at drug rehab centers typically prescribe a cocktail of drugs to manage the cravings, but even then, the success rate has not been really high.
If you or your loved is suffering from meth addiction, just know that there are many drug rehabilitation facilities that could help addicts overcome their habits, however, and this is something that we speak from experience, at the end of the day, overcoming meth addiction is truly is dependent upon the addict and his resolve to overcome his addiction.
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