Sleeping pills can be just as dangerous as other types of drugs. You want to be very careful with them if you are supposed to be taking them. You do not want to start an addiction and not be able to stop.
If you are having trouble sleeping, your doctor might give you some sleeping pills to help you get back to a regular sleeping routine. They will probably only want you to use them for two to four weeks. They do this so you will not get addicted to them.
It is important that after those four weeks you do stop taking them. If you try to get more, you might be headed down a road you don't want to go down. You also would want to look deeper into the reasons why you are not able to sleep.
It would be a good idea to be honest with your doctor about your sleep. You want to let them know you are still having issues if you are and you want to let them know you are no longer having issues if you are able to sleep again. They will want to know what is going on with you.
With sleeping pills, it can be easy to become used to them. Your body will want to have them every night. If you think it is time to stop, throw out the pills so you will not be tempted.
If they do become a serious problem, start off talking to your doctor about them. They can help decide what the next step might be. Sometimes it will be a clinic and other times it will be just doing things as an outpatient. It really just depends on how serious it is and what you would need the most help with.
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