One of the most popular anesthetic pharmaceutical drugs that was ever developed back in the 60s was PCP. It is a dissociative hallucinogenic which has many different side effects. It works within the body as a NMDA receptor antagonist. Effectively, it blocks the regular activity within the receptor which is what most hallucinogens do. It can be taken in a variety of ways including injections, inhaling it, smoking it or ingesting it. It mediates excitation and causes a loss of muscular coordination. It can cause memory loss change your breathing rate, and affect your blood pressure significantly. It primarily affects the hippocampus of the brain as well as the cerebellum.
What PCP Is Like
This drug is actually a lot like one of the most popular drugs at raves and parties today which is called ketamine. This drug has a notorious reputation for being the date rape drug, but PCP does have a few differences. One of the reasons that it was banned was because it causes euphoria, paranoia, and what is called the loss of the ego. It causes people to become violent, very unsettled, and act with aggression. All of these symptoms, and many more, are the reasons behind why PCP is no longer considered a valid treatment option in the medical industry. Phencyclidine, also called Angel Dust or Wack is simply a drug that people should avoid, and if you do have an addiction to it, you should check into a substance abuse treatment center for help right away.
Hopefully this brief overview of what PCP is capable of doing, and why you should avoid it, will motivate those that have an addiction to this particular drug to get some treatment right away. There is always hope, and by working with professionals, you should be able to end your addiction very soon.
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