One of the worst pharmaceutically prescribed drugs that you can get addicted to is methadone. It is very similar to another very popular drug, morphine, which is typically administered to individuals that are suffering from a significant amount of pain. It is a synthetic analgesic drug that can last far longer than morphine, and is actually used to help people that suffer from heroin addiction. However, this drug is also extremely addicting because of how it affects your body, causing it to require more of the drug in order to maintain feeling balanced. Here are some tips you should consider if you are taking methadone, or if you are trying to stop using this opiate based drugs.
Why Opioids Are Addicting
When you take an opiate of any sort, which can include Norco, Vicodin or any one of the many opioids and morphine derivatives that are available by prescription, they have an effect in your brain that actually causes your body to require a consistent amount in order to feel good. This is not the high that is often reference when talking about drugs like fentany, morphine or other opiates. It is how your body reacts when it is no longer able to have it in your system. Opioid dependence causes withdrawals because of how it causes certain receptors in your brain to change and require more stimulation from these opiates. That's why you need to go to a clinic in order to get help for these addictions as they can gradually wean you off of these drugs.
Treatment Centers For Opioid Addiction
You can usually find a treatment center in your area that will help you with relief from this type of addiction. You will have to go through unpleasant symptoms if you have an addiction to pain meds which may include sweating, more pain, or restless leg syndrome. Your doctor will be able to direct you toward a proper clinic for this type of help. This is something that every person that has taken fentany for more than a couple months may have to go through because of how addicting it can be.
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