When you are an addict, it changes your whole life. Because of your addiction, every aspect of your life has, or will soon change. Everything from what you wear, what you eat, where you live, who you are around, when you get sick, and various other things are directly linked to your addiction. Addiction is so all-powerful, that it is often impossible for addicts to get out of their lifestyle and situation without the help of another. In this article, we will discuss all of the aspects of why severe addicts NEED interventions and subsequent addiction treatment to be able to start on the path to recovery from addiction.
Addiction Is An Addicts Life
Let me start by saying that the addict is not going to make the change themselves -- in most cases. Addiction has become their life, and in the mind of the addict, they are this way until they eventually die. They simply don't have it in them to make the change themselves, they don't want to make the change themselves, or they don't see it as being possible to make the change themselves.
They Need Others to Make The First Step
Getting help for an addiction is much like jumping out of an airplane... Everything in your guts tells you not to jump; that it is dangerous and frightening for you, so don't do it. Even with a parachute on, some need a push to actually make it out of the plane.
An Addict Needs Help to Realize That People Still Care
Most severe addicts don't like themselves too much; in fact, many addicts hate themselves for what they do and what they have become. Because of this, they often see themselves as too far gone to be saved, and that the world will be happier when they are gone. Getting an addict to realize that this is not true, and that there are still people out there that care greatly can be enough of a push to start the recovery ball rolling.
Nobody Wants To Go It Alone
This one is true with all humans; addicted or not. Difficult things are hard to start and can leave a person terrified at just the thought of doing them. It is much easier to start something that scares you and will most assuredly be difficult if others are going on the journey with you. Imagine again the airplane... While some need to be pushed from the plane, others will gladly jump if you jump hand-in-hand with them.
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