If someone ever offers you meth, don't take it for any reason at all. Just because you may think that you can try it once and then give it up, that isn't always the case. It can get you addicted just after one time because it will make you feel great when you first try it. Then you'll spend the rest of your time trying it out so you can feel that feeling again, but it won't feel that way for you ever again. This is how the drug traps you, and so you have to be careful not to use it the first time.
Get away from the people that use meth in your circle if you're trying to kick an addiction to it. The last thing you need are people around you that are going to be using around you because then you'll be tempted to start using which can really make it hard to make any progress on your road to getting sober again. Try moving if you have to and change your number. People on meth won't care that you're trying to get clean most of the time so make sure you stay away from them.
Take this advice to heart if you're trying to quit using meth because it can really help you to get started on the road to recovery. Take the tips above and start really working at this so that you can save yourself from a long life of not feeling that great.
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