Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cocaine Substance Abuse Facts For You


You have more than likely heard about what cocaine can do to people, but it sometimes generalized information. When a person takes a hit, it causes a very intense high that is followed by edginess and a deep depression. People that use this often have sleeping disorders, and their heart rate can skyrocket for quite some time. It can also make people feel paranoid, and may lead to health issues such as seizures, respiratory problems and even death. The long-term effects of cocaine can be seen with those that appear to have aged much older than they actually are. Consistent use of cocaine will make it necessary for the user to take more in order to get the same high.

Short Term Effects Of Cocaine

Cocaine is one of those drugs that does have one primary benefit which is that it gives the user increased amounts of energy. Coca-Cola used to have cocaine in the actual soda, which it obviously does not have any more. The short-term effects include dilated pupils, contracted blood vessels and a loss of appetite. You may also see heart rates increase dramatically, as well as body temperature, clearly showing that there is a problem with using this drug.

Long Term Effects

what you will see with people that take a significant amount of cocaine is severe tooth decay. They will have liberated and kidney problems, high blood pressure, and irritability in their personality. It can cause severe depression, and respiratory failure if it is smoked, which is one reason why people should never take this drug. It seems to aid you very quickly, which is part of what occurs for those that take cocaine. You can find treatment centers for this drug in many areas, companies that will help you get back to normal as soon as possible.

 Get Teen Cocaine Substance Abuse Facts and Trends Amongst Teens:

Teen Cocaine Substance Abuse

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