Heroin which goes by a ton of street names like black tar, junk and smack is making a comeback. More young people and even baby boom age people are starting to use this drug at an alarming rate. There isn't any explanation why this is happening but we can guess that the rise of opiate painkillers and their rabid use has created addicts who go from legal prescription use, to illegal prescription use, to hard core heroin use. This would explain the change and how painkillers are a gateway drug for some people and how something legal can turn into something so awful.
As you can see, heroin use and addiction is very dangerous, people who use this drug need professional help and this isn't an addiction that a person can kick without professional help. As dangerous as heroin is to use, it is as equally dangerous to quit. The rise of this drug is due to many factors such as the gateway transition from prescription opiates that painkillers are made from to the use of heroin. This transition comes when an addicted person can no longer get a prescription and cannot find illegal prescriptions drugs so they go to the streets and use heroin.
Successful Recovery From Heroin Addiction from Laguna Beach Recovery:
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