When using mushrooms, people experience an altered sense of reality. They have auditory and visual hallucinations that can make everyday objects the point of prolonged study and fascination. Some even liken it to a spiritual experience and use the drug prior to creating works of art.
However, when a person uses hallucinogens on a regular basis, they can experience difficulties interacting with the world when they are not high. Users often report that the world seems plain and boring when they are not high. This can lead them to feel lethargic and disinterested in normal activities.
One of the potential dangers associated with mushroom abuse is that the wrong mushrooms may be added into the mix. There are species of mushrooms that have a similar appearance to those that cause hallucinations. Some of these can have severe consequences, including death.
Another hazard that can cause great harm is the potential to have a bad experience. If the hallucinations become unpleasant or threatening in nature, the addict may act out in ways that put them or others in danger. Even if someone is present that is not high, they may be unable to talk the person into accepting their hallucinations are not real.
Those who are caught up in hallucinogen abuse need to seek help from a qualified treatment center. The professional staff can help them withdraw from drugs and learn how to live a happy and fulfilling life.
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