Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Effects of Ketamine


Special K is one of the street names for the drug ketamine.  Ketamine is a drug that can be dispensed legally for use as a anesthetic for animals and people.  The common methods of abuse include snorting, injecting or taking it orally.

Ketamine is a depressant, which means that it will lower the heart rate and breathing of the person taking it.  If the person takes the drug with other depressant drugs, then the depressive state will be greatly amplified.  Other common depressants are alcohol and valium.

In low doses, the person can feel like they are floating outside of their body, or even dreaming.  In higher doses the person may feel like they are near death, they possibly might be unable to communicate or move.

There are many possible bad reactions that a person may experience when taking ketamine.  Nausea, confusion and poor coordination are just a few of the milder consequences.  Paranoia and agitation are also common reactions.  Where the person is and the way a person is feeling will impact the severity of the bad reactions.

It is extremely dangerous to buy drugs illegally.  Not only is it against the law, but the buyer will not know exactly what they are buying.  It is not at all uncommon for cheaper drugs to be passed off as the more expensive drugs.  A drug dealer does not care about the person buying the drugs, they are only out to make a profit.

Ketamine has been found being sold at raves and other parties.  Often times ecstasy is also being sold at these same functions.  It is possible that a person might be trying to buy ketamine and instead they are sold ecstasy.  It is also impossible to know the exact dose of any illegal drug, therfore it is impossible to predict reactions from one time to another.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Become An Ex-Smoker And Reclaim Your Health

While everyone is aware of the dangers of smoking, many people continue to smoke. It is easier to say you will quit than it is to actually do it. This article is meant for people who really want to quit.

Come up with your own personalized plan for quitting. List taking in your quitting efforts will help greatly as you create a source of direction. There are typically many different ways for accomplishing any given goal, and the people vary in which of these ways will be most effective for them. It's useful for you to understand exactly what works the best for you. Creating this personalized list does just that.

Try to snack on fruits and vegetables instead of sugary snacks when you are quitting smoking. This can help avoid, or at least minimize, the weight gain often associated with smoking cessation. Your body will likely crave food as you quit smoking, so allow yourself to snack using healthy treats to keep your mind and body in top shape.

Get your loved ones to support you in your decision of kicking your bad smoking habit. Tell them that their support will be critical in helping you stick to your program. Ask them to not be judgmental. Tell them that you'll probably be irrational and in a depressed mood first. Quitting smoking is not easy, so you should enlist the support of your loved ones to help you through the process.

Going cold turkey to quit smoking isn't the smartest idea, try and get supplements to help you along the way, things like nicotine patches or gum. These products can be bought over the counter and give your body nicotine while you are breaking the habit. They are very helpful in reducing the withdrawal symptoms.

What this article has shown you is that you can successfully quit smoking. Determination and planning are they keys to success. If you do this and use all the advice you learned from this article, you should kick the habit of smoking for good before you know it.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Florida Drug Rehab Offers New Beginnings for Addicts


Florida is known as a relaxation destination. It is also known as a destination for new beginnings, whether those new beginnings come in the form of a new place to live, a change in your life, a retirement move, or even a new life.

New Beginnings Recovery Center in Florida is an outpatient facility that aims to give new lives to former addicts. Their myriad of programs target individuals addicted to a variety of drugs, alcohol, or chemicals including:

  • Opiates (Crack, Cocaine)
  • Prescription Drugs (Ambien, Lunesta, Benzodiazapine, Soma, etc.)
  • Methamphetamine
  • Alcohol
  • Nicotine, Cigarettes, and other Tobacco Products
New Beginnings uses a variety of different drug rehab programs and drug and alcohol treatment techniques in their unique approach to addiction treatment. Many patients from around the country -- and the world -- travel to New Beginnings Florida drug rehab center to take advantage of their unique treatment options. New Beginnings even offers a program that will fly you to their Florida treatment location so that you can get the treatment you deserve. Learn about flying to New Beginnings Recovery HERE >>

New Beginnings Recovery

Friday, November 8, 2013

Addiction to Pain Medications

When a person has an injury, the doctor will often prescribe drugs to help relieve some of the symptoms. The intention is to help them through the largest part of the pain. However, some people become dependent on the drugs. Oxycodone and hydrocodone are used frequently in emergency rooms and dental offices. The substances in these help a person to feel good.

That is where the problem lies. The person not only has relief from the pain, they experience a greater sense of euphoria. Sometimes, the person can get the doctor to prescribe more but, eventually, a reputable doctor will stop prescribing the medications if they are not medically necessary. This is when the person may turn to the streets or the Internet to continue their habit.

The medications are costly when bought on the black market. Additionally, they may not be properly regulated. If the pills are coming from another country, the procedures for developing the pills may be sub-standard. Other ingredients may be in them that could harm or even kill the person taking them.

If you think you have a problem with pain medication addiction, you may need to seek professional help. First, see if you can stop taking them without negative side effects. If not, make an appointment with your doctor. Talk to them about what you have been doing. Ask for their assistance in helping you to break the habit.

If you are reading this because you are concerned about someone else and their addiction to pain medications, you may want to try an intervention. This is where family, friends, and some professionals confront the individual with their worries about it. You should have a plan for rehabilitation already in place. If the addict is willing to go after the intervention, you can help them immediately.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Better Safe Than Sorry: Painkillers Can Destroy You

As humans, we have greatly advanced over the years and the same way that technology has evolved, so has medicine. We have created painkillers that can take away your pain within just a few minutes, but with these advanced painkillers, we have also brought about a new form of addiction. Most types of medications can become highly addictive and on a moment's notice, your life could be ruined. There are more factors that lead to painkiller addiction that you would think, but a few mentioned below are the most common.

Many people believe in the false notion that they won't become addicted to painkillers and that it can only happen to those who use painkillers for a prolonged period of time. Unfortunately, that isn't so. Believe it or not, your body can adapt to medications quicker than you think, which is why it's important that you listen to what your doctor recommends. When you don't follow advice, your body can become too dependent on drugs and eventually, you will need a certain dosage just to get through the day. This leads to you taking pills that you no longer need and they become a part of your everyday life.

Painkillers can literally slowly kill your mind and rewire it into believing that the amount of medication you're taking is in fact not dangerous. This is a harmful side effect that often occurs with taking painkillers and your brain eventually rethinks its state of normalcy. Usually, the change you feel is often subtle when you get off of painkillers, but you do know that you no longer feel "right" when you're not taking them.

It isn't easy to spot addiction when it comes to drugs in general. Most people who don't have close friends and family don't often notice they are addicted until it's too late. If you are currently taking painkillers and feel worried that you may start to become addicted, get professional help right away. It is important that you don't wait long to get help because painkillers can become quickly addicting.

Friday, October 4, 2013

A Closer Look at Ketamine Addiction

Over the last decade the medical and law enforcement community have witnessed a dramatic increase in the quantity of, and different type of drugs that people are abusing. One of the newcomers to this list includes Ketamine, also known on the street as jet, Vitamin K, or simply K. Let's take a closer look at how this drug works, and at the dangers associated with its use.

Commonly used in veterinary medicine to tranquilize animals, Ketamine is quickly developing a "club drug" status. To take Ketamine, the user usually snorts the substance up their nose, or injects it into the bloodstream. Users report going through a whole kaleidoscope of emotions, ranging from out of body experiences to floating sensations. So it is commonly used at dance clubs in conjunction with the music for wild sensory experiences.

Side effects of the drug include nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, pulmonary problems, double vision, cardiac issues and psychotic episodes. Though not usually leading to addiction, many undergo intense psychological and cognitive symptoms that make it hard to stop using the drug where it does lead to addiction. Treatment for Ketamine addiction depends on the individual, their personality, and above all their body chemistry. It also depends on gender, and length of time the user has been taking the drug. While undergoing treatment, the patient will benefit from various therapies like medication management and the deploying of relapse-prevention strategies. It also includes a 12 step drug education program, and in certain cases may require an anger management course.

Overall, it is evident that if someone you know is suffering with Ketamine addiction, you have the responsibility to try to get them to get professional help. Rest assured, with the proper assistance, it is possible for them to recover from this relatively new but highly dangerous form of addiction.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Drug Abuse in Orange County Leading the Nation

Orange County is a very large county -- at least when it comes to the amount of people living densely in the area encompassed by the county -- so it shouldn't come as any surprise that Orange County has some of the highest drug abuse rates, crime rates, and drug arrests in the country (per capita). Add to this, the fast-moving and very social culture of the area, and it becomes even more clear why drug use has reached epidemic levels in the area. This is one of the reasons why so very many drug rehab facilities are located in and around Orange County.

Laguna Beach Recovery is located in Laguna Beach and treats men with addictions to drugs and alcohol from Orange County, from around the country, and from around the world.

1755 Park Ave Laguna Beach, CA 92651‎
(888) 991-4565

orange county drug rehab centers

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dealing With Having An Alcohol Problem

If you need help figuring out if you're an alcoholic, this article is here to help. Here you'll go over a few things you need to think over to figure out if you've been having an alcohol problem. Read this information carefully and you'll learn what you need to know.

It's important to know that you may not have an alcohol problem if you just drink on special occasions. The real problem occurs when you start to need alcohol every time you go and do something. If you just can't have a good time without having a little bit to drink, you may be starting to have a problem with alcohol. People that just drink when others are drinking with them and don't need more than a couple of drinks probably aren't working with an alcohol problem, but it slowly could develop into one.

If you think that you don't have a problem with being an alcoholic, you may still be in denial. Denial is basically when you drink to feel good or even just to feel normal, and you don't think that you have a problem at all. Many people when they first start to become alcoholics will lie to themselves and say they don't have anything wrong with them. If you're not able to have a good day without a drink, then you're probably an alcoholic even if you don't want to admit it. If alcohol in any way runs any part of your life, you could have a problem you're not able to see yourself yet.

Working with an alcohol problem is something you're going to have to do if you want to live a sane and sober life. Most people just can't handle drinking all the time, so it's a good idea to get yourself some help if you think you can't control your drinking.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Drinking and Teenagers

We all know that drug abuse among teens is rising but what about Alcohol Abuse did you know that most teens by the age of 14 have already had there first drink not a sip a real drink 43 percent of teens today think that having one or a few alcoholic drinks a day is  not a problem and only a hand full say that they don't approve of Alcohol this is why parents need to show more of a concern in there children's lives so maybe they can help get this epidemic under control before it gets out of hand look for the signs of alcohol abuse but what if you don't know what the signs are well I'm here to tell you what they are.

1. Glazed over eyes or spaced out stair
2. Tired all the time
3. Mood swings
4. Depression, or low self esteem
5. Constant fights or arguments with friends
6. Skipping school or leaving school grounds without permitting

These are just some of the signs to look for when you think your child might have a drinking problem if you see any of these signs seek help fast get them into some kind of program that has counseling to help them find the root of their problem you never know it could be stress related or they have seen their parents drinking and they got the urge to try it and it became out of control remember parents some times you can't do it alone you need to have some kind of backup to help you with your child this does not make you weak it makes you human let see if we can work with your community to  make this a thing of the past so our teens can't get there hands on it ever again.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Arizona Treatment For Anger Issues


Anger is just another color in the spectrum of human emotions, but some may have trouble controlling this emotion, or have issues with their temper. This too is natural, but can be curbed to allow individuals suffering from anger management issues to control their emotions and live a happy and peaceful life.

Let go of your anger....

Embrace the calm.

anger rehab prescott az

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Escape The Black Tar Pit Of Heroin

Heroin is not a superhero that makes everything in life all right. Though it may seem like the world is all roses in the mind of an addict that uses the drug, there are reasons why it has the nickname of smack, junk and black tar. The reasons are that using it only adds more problems that add up to a pile of junk that smacks a person on the head and in the heart like a big heavy hammer.

The answer to recovery is not more drugs to replace one addiction with another. Nor is the answer to just continue using more junk. Life will only become more unbearable and frustrating to the point of no return.

To beat the monster in its own game it must be confronted head on.  A good drug rehabilitation treatment solution will be one that focuses on freeing the mind as well as the body from the monster’s grip.  Only then can the recovery be long lasting and stand a chance of completely escaping the harmful addiction.

The mental, physical and emotional scars resulting from the use of smack are found not only in the life of the user, but also in the lives of friends and family as well.  This fact in itself can be a strong motivation for leading a healthier and drug free life.  Free from the pain and heartache that such a lifestyle has to offer. It is time to break free.

If you or someone you know are caught in the powerful grip of heroin addiction and just cannot seem to escape the pit of black tar, there is a way out.  There are qualified drug rehab treatment centers and specialists that can help you fight through it.  It takes work, but life is waiting for you when you are free of the addiction.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

You May Be An Alcoholic If You...

Can you finish that title sentence? Current research has provided several signs to watch for. We may have a problem if we:

1. feel guilty about our drinking
2. try to hide the amount or frequency that we drink
3. depend on drinking to have a good time, or to relieve stress and escape problems
4. have people close to us express concern about our drinking
If you can relate to any of these situations then you may need to examine your drinking habits.

Do not let self denial prevent you from making an honest evaluation of your drinking. If you have any doubts about being honest with yourself then talk to someone you're close to and trust. Perhaps together you can make a realistic assessment. Admitting you have a problem can be the hardest part, but it is the first step to recovery.

No one becomes an alcoholic over night . It is a gradual process. That's why it can be so deceiving, because it can creep up and begin to control someone before they even realize it. Alcohol abuse can be the first step before becoming an alcoholic. The difference being that the abuser can set limits, but the alcoholic cannot, because the alcoholic is addicted.

Making an honest evaluation today can save you much heartache tomorrow. Did you know that alcohol abusers are more likely to be unemployed, have marital problems that end in divorce, and raise children with severe emotional problems? Let's not forget the physical damage that can potentially occur such as; liver decease, heart disease, stokes, and cancer.

If you find yourself in this situation, there is help. First, admit you have a problem. That is the first and most important step. Watch who you associate with. Stay away from situations that will encourage you to drink.

If you have a serious problem then you will need the supervision of a medical staff to help. Your withdrawal can be very severe and only experienced medical professionals are trained to help you through. This kind of care is found at in-patient recovery senders and through 12 step addiction recovery programs. Don't delay -- get help today.

Seeking Treatment for Alcohol Addiction? Mountain Village Inpatient Recovery can treat alcohol addiction through their 12 step programs in California:

12 step program in California

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Impact Of Barbiturates Abuse

Taking a look at barbiturates, you will see that they are a form of depressant drug that is known to cause both sleepiness and relaxation. Whenever someone overdoses from barbiturates, it is often because of accidentally or even intentionally taking more than the recommended or normal dose. It goes without saying that such an abundance of this drug can be dangerous and often times life threatening.

When you hear about someone taking barbiturates, they are usually in the form of Phenobarbital, Amytal, Nembutal and Seconal or their generic counterparts. If taken at a lower dose, the person on barbiturates will often feel as if they are intoxicated or drunk. Of course, the many forms of barbiturates are often the cause of major addiction with many people today. Generally, the individuals who are taking these drugs in addictive manner will be abusing their own prescription or even from other family members.

Anytime someone becomes addicted to barbiturates, they run the risk of having long-term, negative effects. Just a few of the symptoms that can present themselves in a chronic fashion will include a decrease in function, a marked change in alertness, memory loss and even high irritability. Along the way, you will usually see symptoms of abuse due to barbiturates in the form of shallow breathing, sluggishness, slurred speech, faulty judgement or even an altered level of consciousness.

If diagnosed and treated early enough, anyone who has been dealing with substance abuse from barbiturates can seek help through a physician or qualified rehabilitation center. Depending on the nature of their addiction, the user will be able to help restore their daily routine by getting off of the medication and living a healthier lifestyle. Of course, a big part of the treatment process for barbiturates abuse will include a lot of counseling.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Men's Only Rehab Treatment For Addictions

Why choose a men's-only rehab to treat your addictions?

All rehab treatments are based off of success rates -- that is why they are called treatments rather than cures. Certain treatment programs have higher rates of success than others. 12 step programs -- for instance -- have higher success rates than programs that do not use the 12 step method. The same is true with a men's only rehab -- men attending these types of rehabs, typically show greater rates of successfully cleaning-out from the substances they were abusing, and staying sober afterward.

This being said, why wouldn't you -- as a male -- choose to enter a men's only rehab rather than a coed rehab?

Laguna Beach Recovery is a men's only drug and alcohol luxury rehab in Laguna Beach, California. When it comes to success rates, Laguna Beach has been highly successful in treating past patients, and can help treat you as well. Let Laguna Beach Recovery help you in your struggle to live a happy, healthy, sober lifestyle.

Contact Laguna Beach Recovery Today:

Laguna Beach Recovery
1755 Park Avenue
Laguna Beach , Ca 92651
(888) 632-7135
Laguna Beach Recovery Center for Men

The Truth Behind Magic Mushrooms

I remember the first time I heard of magic mushrooms. I was 15 or 16 years old and I was attending an AA meeting with a youth group I was a part of. I already felt awkward because I didn't drink and I was there. It felt like I was in some type of secret club I shouldn't be privy to. On this particular day I was bored and silently wishing I was somewhere else.

The person heading the group decided to go around the room and ask everyone what their drug of choice was and this girl said that magic mushrooms were her thing. I was a little confused by this, so when I left the center I decided to a little research. I was shocked with what I found.

Basically these mushrooms look similar to those you see in any clearing in the forest. They contain psychoactive indole alkaloids, which cause the user to hallucinate when they are consumed. They go back as far as ancient times when they were used in several rituals, but these days most people that use them do it for recreational purposes.

Typically people consume these mushrooms and experience a "trip" that lasts for several hours. The more often they use them, the more likely they are to experience no effects at all. This is because the body builds a tolerance to them. People who have used this drug have experienced hallucinations, paranoia and an increased sense of fear.

After reading all of this information, I knew that this is not something I would ever want to experience. While it may seem fun at first glance, the reality is that it is an illegal drug that can damage your system and being caught with any can land you behind bars.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Equine Therapy Treatment Options

It is very important that suitable treatment is sought for patients and victims of drug addiction and substance abuse. There are many families across the USA have serious problems relating to addiction and substance abuse by a member. It could be a parent, a child, relative or even a spouse or partner. The consequences could be serious and hence the need to take immediate action. Intervention is always advisable as it may have very positive results not just for the affected individual but their family and the entire community at large.

The first step in seeking assistance is to contact a medic who specializes in addiction issues and problems of substance abuse. Such a professional has the capacity to diagnose the patient and chart a suitable treatment program. This program may involve some therapy, medication, detoxification and so on. At the Texas drug rehab facility, there are therapy programs such as those at the recovery aftercare equine working ranch. This is a great facility that provides suitable care and therapy for recovering former addicts.

Such a facility provides excellent therapy and allows the individuals to recover fully so as to be able to go back home and go back to their work. A lot of doctors can attest to the benefits of such therapy to drug addict and substance abuse victims. There are now insurance companies interested in providing cover to individuals for this kind of treatment. Insurance cover may now extend to drug therapy and rehabilitation. The state of Texas offers the Texas drug treatment insurance cover. This kind of cover will cover all treatments and costs associated with treatment and rehabilitation of victims.

Also of importance is the TX equine therapy treatment program. This program is also covered under insurance such that those interested in receiving cover for this treatment can do so. Families with loved ones suffering drug problems need not suffer in silence. The problem only gets worse without treatment. It is always important to search for suitable treatment options by consulting health care experts and then following up with the advice and treatment programs they design. It may include drug rehab with horses among others.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Setting Up An Intervention Today

A crack cocaine intervention is likely the stopping point that you have been looking for when it comes to a battle with drugs. There are millions of people that are currently using crack on a daily basis, many of these people will never be able to successfully live life without the drug. If this is something that someone in your family is going through at the moment, you do not want to wait another minute to take action. It is very common to help as if there is no hope when it comes to serious drug addiction. However, you need to understand that the connection you have with the person has a lot more value than simply having them speak with a professional. As such, you want to use an intervention as a means of opening up their eyes to the problem. Once they understand what is going on and the hurt that it is causing, they would begin to see things as they are. After this, it is possible to have them get into a treatment facility that could bring about change in their life. If you are asking when does a crack addict stop his binge, you may be making a mistake in thinking that the problem with get better.

However, it is very common for an addict to stay up for days at a time in order to get high and then sleep for many days following due to a crash. Do not assume that this cycle is going to magically stop if you do not do anything to help it get to that point. If you are waiting to discover where is the bottom for a crack addict, you may want to start getting help with organization of an intervention that can show the drug addict there is a problem. You need to understand that it can sometimes be difficult for the person getting high to accept the fact that drugs are a problem for them. Also, they will likely tell you that they are choosing to use and have the option not to. If you have been hurt by the relationship that someone in your life has with drugs, you want to understand why do crack addicts not come home. The answer to this question is simple, lack of accountability and access to a lot of drugs. If you want to help, remove these elements and work on an intervention today.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Texas Counter Addiction Programs

Rehabilitation center usual recommends patients to sign-up for recovery aftercare equine working ranch programs, after they are discharged, to ensure that the patient does not start using drugs and alcohol all over gain, and his efforts to recover from addiction do not go wasted.

The aftercare includes programs like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, as well as 90 minutes in 90 days when just after the patients complete their days in the rehabilitation center. These programs are based on a series of discussions where patients talk to one another, share experiences and encourage each other to stay off drugs by acknowledging weaknesses and sharing ideas on how to avoid addictive products.

TX equine therapy treatment program helps patients recover from addictions, the patients at the ranch are made to interact with a horse, which they are responsible for up to a certain point in time. They care for the animal and while doing so they become emotionally strong and also develop a sense of responsibility.

The practice helps them improve overall, and their lives become more meaningful. The confidence is reinstated and they are ready to face the world and its challenges once again. Drug rehab with horses is an effective technique adopted by almost all rehabilitation centers, it has an overwhelming success rate, and a lasting impact on many who undergo this treatment.

Texas drug treatment insurance is a resource tool that pays for treatment against addiction, the good network of rehabilitation center is on the panel of the insurance company. People who subscribe to the plan can get professional advice on the sort of treatment they require, and can be placed in the right centers for complete treatment; like medical insurance companies the particular insurance pays for treatment against addiction, besides that it assists the patients by:

• Providing information about the process and details of treatment
• Arranging an intervention for a drug addict in the family
• Arranging a treatment that suits the patient the best
• Making treatment cost effective and affordable
• Providing information on the 24/7 helpline

The rehabilitation, aftercare and insurance plan are designed to help patients recover and lead a 
normal life.

texas drug rehab ranch