Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hydrocodone And Oxymorphone Addictions And Treatments

Your treatment for pain relief may include a number of different possibilities. You could go to a pain management expert that specializes in alternative treatments such as acupuncture, acupressure, or even simple meditation. For most people, this won't work, not even hypnotism which has been proven to be effective for thousands of people nationwide. Your doctor will probably not recommend any of these because they are not scientifically based, and therefore will recommend some type of physical treatment and opiate-based medications. This article will address why hydrocodone HCl, oxymorphone, hydrocodone and meperidine are so addicting and what you can do to end your addiction quickly.

Opiates Can Be Addicting For The Following Reasons

The reasons that they are addicting have a lot to do with the way they change the way that your body interacts with certain forms of stimulation. Things that are connected to your central nervous system which include your mu receptors will cause problems when you are experiencing too much pain, and when they are overstimulated by the drugs, when you stop taking them, it can make you feel sick, nervous, and even schizophrenic when you cannot get the drugs that your body is used to. That's why when you try to quit any type of opiate-based medications, going through the withdrawals almost always requires you to find someone that can help you during this difficult time. This is what you'll need to do in order to stop your addiction completely which includes going to a treatment center that is nearby.

Getting Treatment Today

To get treated for these types of medications, a clinic is almost necessary in most cases because of the withdrawals and how difficult they can be. The more that you take them, the longer the withdrawals will last, which is why you need to be checked in to make sure that officials can help you get through this difficult time, allowing your body to reset, therefore negating the need for these drugs in your system any longer.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

What Are The Most Addictive Drugs: Heroin

Drug abuse is not just a dangerous epidemic plaguing the United States, it is truly a deadly disease for those individuals who suffer from it daily. There is a vast amount of drugs, both prescription and illegal forms being used by addicts and people often wonder what are the most addictive drugs. While there are several that fit into this category, heroin is by far one of the most addictive and fastest rising substances to be used today.

Rapid Increase

The use of heroin is rapidly increasing at an almost exponential rate. While multiple reasons could be fueling this quick increase, the addiction to prescription opioids is the most significant cause.  Opioids are medications prescribed by a doctor to relieve pain such as hydrocodone and oxycodone. Recent times have seen the cost of these medications go up and there has been a substantial reduction in access to these prescriptions as well. These factors are leading addicts who are looking for that next high to turn to a comparable drug, which can be easily purchased on the street. That drug is heroin.

Facts About Heroin Use

In October of 2014, the CDC published findings from a 3 year study that brought to light several eye opening facts concerning heroin use. They discovered that overall heroin use was on the rise while the abuse of prescription pain killers was actually declining. In fact, in that 3 year period (2009-2012), it was determined that this particular type of drug use was up 79% and it correlated closely with the growing number of heroin deaths. In 2012, the annual death rates attributed to heroin use had increased more than 100% for a two year period.

Supply Chain

Another contributing factor seems to be the shift in supply chain for accessing heroin. This chain is working quicker than ever, bringing in huge amounts to the United States via Mexico. With the street price dropped and sources more accessible, addicts are turning to this cheaper alternative as opposed to opioid use.

If you or someone you know has fallen victim to the tight grip of heroin addiction or any other drug dependency , it is important to get help. 

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