Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Painkillers Are Hard To Work On Getting Off of


When you have an addiction to pain meds like Hydrocodone, then you may need help getting off of them. This article contains some facts about this sort of thing to help you with it all. You'll be happy with the results if you just follow along.

When you are in pain, it can be hard not to take a painkiller to help you out. This is where a lot of people get addicted, because they need the medication just to feel better with the pain that they may be experiencing. The problem occurs when you can't go about your daily life without having some medications. There will also be a problem if you start taking more than what you need because you enjoy the feeling you get when you take in this sort of medication on a daily basis.

You can be sure to get the help you need if you are honest with your doctor and tell them you're ready to start getting off of these medications. They make other medications that are just for getting off of an addiction to painkillers. The problem will be to wean yourself off of the medications they give you to get off of the main painkillers that you have been getting addicted to. Make it a point to be honest and to try the medications you're given in place of the painkillers so you can be sure that you're able to get off of them once and for all.

You can get off of painkillers if you just make it a point to be honest with yourself and if you use the advice you were given above. It's not going to be too easy to do, but if you're prepared to give it your best shot things should work out well for you.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Barbiturate Abuse: What You Need To Know


Barbiturate abuse is not as common as it once was, but is still a problem in some areas. Barbiturates are man made drugs which depress the activity of the brain, through a mild tranquilizing effect. Medications such as Amytal, Seconal and Phenobarbital are used to treat conditions such as insomnia.

When barbiturate abuse was at its height in the eighties, people used barbs as a "downer". This meant that they would take the drug to reduce the come down effects from other illegal substances such as Speed. However, barbiturate abuse also occurs because people get hooked on the feelings of relaxation and well being that the drugs can trigger.

One of the biggest problems associated with this type of substance abuse is that barbiturates are highly addictive. The brain also develops a tolerance to the drug, so that an addict will increase their dosage over time in order to continue to achieve the same effects. If a person tries to give up their habit the withdrawal symptoms can be very nasty, as the body is dependent on the drug. This means that it is very important that you seek help from a medical professional if you are addicted to barbiturates.

The most common side effects are severe headaches and migraines, along with nausea or vomiting. A person attempting to wean themselves off barbiturates may also find that they are very restless and cannot sleep, because their brain cannot release the chemicals needed to relax without artificial stimulation. This can contribute to emotional effects such as anxiety or aggression.

However, it is worth persisting with an attempt to break an addiction to barbiturates. Overdoses are very common with this type of drug, as there is little difference between a safe dose and a lethal dose. The risks are even higher if you take this drug while consuming alcohol.

Contact your nearest drug rehabilitation center for more advice.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Dextromethorphan And Getting Addicted To Cold Medications

Dextromethorphan is an ingredient in cold medicines that some people use to get themselves high. If you or someone you know has a problem with this, then getting help with substance abuse problems may be the answer. Here are some good tips to help with this.

Some people think that since they can get this type of medication at the store, that it's not really that dangerous. However, if you don't know what this substance does to you, then you probably should take a minute to realize that this is in no way good for your body at doses that are high enough to get you high. This can really hurt your liver and your stomach if you're not careful. If you use things with more ingredients than just the DXM then you could be taking in things that could kill you in high enough doses.

What Is It?

Robotripping is the act of taking enough dextromethorphan, or DXM, to get you to where you're pretty high on this stuff. This can lead to all kinds of things because this type of drug is a dissociative at high doses. This means that you won't feel like you're in your regular body, and that you can do things you once thought were impossible. If you're not careful, then you'll end up trying to do something dangerous and could really get hurt or die. It's never a good idea to do these types of drugs on your own so if you must try them at least have someone that can watch over you.

As you can see, you can get help if you're taking cold medicines that contain dextromethorphan if you are able to take your time with this. Take it a step at a time and when you're done you will have the information you need to make yourself succeed at this.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Tips For Dealing With Substance Abuse

Do you or a family member suffer from substance abuse due to meth, crystal, crank, or methamphetamines? If so, there are some steps that you can take to fight the addiction or help out your family member. This can be a really difficult problem to deal with, but there are some solutions. Here are some tips to help you deal with your substance abuse problem.

If you are addressing a situation in which a family or relative is dealing with drug addiction, a family intervention may be in order. Make sure that you get your entire family is on board and take the appropriate amount time to prepare for the intervention. If you are going to go the intervention route, then you might want to consider hiring a professional counselor to at least be present during the intervention and help facilitate the process. Sometimes, a family intervention gives the person who's abusing drugs the willpower to fight through the addiction.

A lot of times, just changing the environment of the drug abuser will help fight the addiction. For example, often times it's appropriate to find new friends who do not abuse drugs. Usually drug use is a social thing that people do around others who have the same problem or addiction. It's good to find friends are supportive of your goals of quitting drug use.  Also, you want to be around people with a positive attitude and are willing to support you.

When fighting an addiction, it's important to keep your mind occupied. You want to find some activities that you can do to keep your mind busy and use your time constructively. It might be important to find additional job or try a new hobby to keep yourself occupied. This will help keep your mind from wandering onto issue such as your addiction.

Hopefully, these tips have helped you find solutions to deal with your addiction or help a family member out. Please keep in mind that this is only a starting point in dealing with a very serious situation. Sometimes, in order to deal with an issue as serious as cocaine addiction, the addict will require professional help.

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